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19 November, 2023

The lawsuits against the National Bank of Georgia and one of Georgia's leading commercial banks

MKD Law, representing a global steel and mining company, filed claims against one of the leading commercial banks (civil case), on one hand, and against the National Bank of Georgia (administrative case), on the other hand. The two cases concern the erroneous implementation of the US sanctions into the Georgian legal system as well as the unnecessarily broad interpretation of the scope of sanctions by the commercial bank, causing material financial damage to the affected company.

„The plaintiff argues that the orders of the NBG contradict the Constitution and international treaties of Georgia, as well as the judicial practice of international courts. Both of the cases, which have been admitted by the court, are expected to set precedents in the Georgian judiciary” – commented the partner of the firm, Sandro Samadbegishvili, representing the interests of the client before the court.