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23 December, 2014

Mariam Asanishvili, Lawyer of MKD, is the Author of Bilingual Research Paper on Business and Human Rights in Georgia

The paper gives an overview of the level of sophistication of business and human rights in Georgia. It sets out the general framework regarding the development of business and human rights in today's international legal order and discusses essential instruments in this regard such as the UN Global Compact, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, etc. The paper also gives an overview of what the situation is regarding human rights policies of companies in Georgia, and provides the responses obtained from various businesses operating in Georgia. The paper provides for some recommendations to improve the sense of human rights responsibility of the businesses in Georgia.

“No one argues that businesses operate for commercial gain. A company is not created in order to promote human rights, however companies can impact the entire range of human rights issues positively or negatively. Therefore, it is essential for companies to get themselves acquainted with international standards and practices with this regard and respectively implement them in their internal policies. Companies should realize that in the long term run protection of human rights can contribute to the core objectives of a company too. “– states Mariam Asanishvili.

Together with other institution, MKD also promoted this publication and assisted the author to commence her research successfully. The presentation and publication of the research paper was largely covered by Georgian media. The paper is distributed among relevant stakeholders.

To view the full version of research, please click here.