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16 April, 2014

The Best Student Paper 2014 contest

The contest is another joint project within the framework of continuous partnership between MKD and the Law Faculty of TSU, designed to strengthen critical thinking skills of the future lawyers as they go through the process of developing their works.

Master’s students of the University are encouraged to participate in this challenging and rewarding competition by presenting essays on a topic of private law. For the details of the contest, please click here.

Winners will be chosen by a competent jury in mid-June and the first, the second and the third places will be rewarded for their efforts with cash prizes from Mgaloblishvili Kipiani Dzidziguri.

“MKD is committed to developing legal education in Georgia via cooperation with the Tbilisi State University, which evidently graduates the best legal minds in the country. We try to design diverse projects to motivate both younger law students and graduates, at the same time giving them the essential practical skills for their successful future carrier,” said Victor Kipiani, partner at MKD.