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17 January, 2013

Mgaloblishvili Kipiani Dzidziguri (MKD) co-organized a law seminar for TSU students

The talk on Legal Issues in Project Finance and Public Private Partnerships was be led by Christopher Brown, partner of Norton Rose, London office. Being an expert in this field, Mr Brown unveiled the main legal features of raising international finance on projects in a wide range of sectors, and paying special attention to the accurate estimation of possible risks.

Angelica Phillips, another Norton Rose partner with great experience in transactions relating to Eastern Europe and CIS countries, guided the students through the initial public offering process, one of the very important instruments in financial markets. In her speech Mrs. Phillips highlighted the challenge and opportunities surrounding IPO in emerging markets.

The seminar was tailored to the real needs of future legal professionals in regard to the growing importance of international financing of projects and IPO opportunities for the development of Georgian economy.