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22 February, 2013

Lado Chanturia has joined MKD as counsel

His primary specialties are comparative private law, problems of law transformation, civil law, corporate law, private law of post-Soviet countries, comparative civil procedure law and judicial reform issues. He is the author of more than one hundred and forty scientific publications and books, some of which are published abroad in English, German, Russian and Bulgarian languages as well as the editor and co-author of many scientific publications.

Dr. Chanturia is a member of the International Arbitration of Kazakhstan, an associated member of the International Academy of Comparative Law (Paris), a member of the Association Friends of the Max-Planck-Institute in Hamburg, a member of the American Bar Association Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative - ABA/CEELI Institute International Advisory Board in Prague, a member of the Association for Corporate Law (VGR) in Heidelberg (Germany), an expert for GIZ (German International Cooperation) on civil law and judicial reform in CIS countries.

Dr. Chanturia was awarded by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany with “Das Grosse Bundesverdienstkreuz of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2006, awarded with the Reformer’s Award in Recognition of Extraordinary Efforts in Promoting the Rule of Law by ABA/CEELI in 2004 and the George Shultz Award for Young Scientists in 1996.